by Jared | Sep 27, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, News, Original, People Treats, Sticks and Sausages
Howdy! In service to our meaty intent, today we’re tearing into a package of Sugar River Original Beef Sticks Ends and Pieces purchased at the local Cabelas. Weighing in at a whopping two pounds, this vacuum packed snack block definitely commands attention. Like the...
by Jared | Sep 5, 2013 | Beef, Jerky Reviews, Real Meat, Smoked, Sticks and Sausages, Texan
Howdy! Today we’re tearing into a bag of Texas Best Smokehouse Beef Stix purchased at their outstanding store in Italy, Texas. No stranger to this veritable shrine to dried meats, the Beef Stix are just one of many tasty treats arrayed to tempt the visitor....
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